Your Contacts and Pictures

Remember- DC believes in the business of needing to either remember or remind either a friend , associate or client. While there are multiple examples of wanting or needing to remember a memory, a exercise or remind a client of a new product they had just been shown the key is needing to remember and the opportunity is the presentation. How many times have you taken the perfect picture of the most incredible  moment and not know how to preserve that feeling that feels  so vivid for another time.  We need to look at the emotion  of the moment as well as the picture and combined with the power of your voice and the emotion associated with it. Remember -DC solves that situation in one incredible way by letting you pick a contact and tag a memory of a moment captured by your picture and use your voice to put it into context. Remember -DC allows you to put that story into a time vault to be released at a designated time to a designated group or person.

Remember DC stands for Remember Digital Concierge or better know as stories about people that define or share our lives.

Cloud Based Storage

Remember -DC is not afraid of looking  way down the line of life to be able to fulfill memories and stories long into the future. The power of the cloud make all these stories affordable  when they are needed the most. Our cloud based storage facility will positioned to keep  up to date with the latest technology to ensure your stories are delivered to the right person at the right time. How many people have we known that once they have passed on we loose touch with the memories of the sound of their voice. Or how many times have you wanted to share a story of a loved one with a child or friend only to have no way to gasp the emotion and context of both the speaker and the story.


Remember AP stands for Remember Audio-Pictures or better know as stories about people that define or share our lives.